Tuesday, January 19, 2010


What Brown Can Do For You

I do not know that I have anything unique or profound to say about Scott Brown's victory as a political issue. But as many of you know, I am feverishly trying to finish edits on a book that deals with the interface of Christianity, America, and economic issues. So, on that basis, and on basis of my own research into these things, here is my read.

Americans are, and have always been, a compassionate people, a fair people, and a sober people when it comes to matters economic. Those commitments have led Americans sometimes to take odd stands on matters politic. So, when the Industrial Revolution resulted in many moving to the cities, cities that were then over-crowded with under-employed and hungry people, some Americans embraced socialism, or at least some mild version of it. But the numbers who accepted hard-core Marxism were always very small in comparison. A greater number embraced the Social Gospel (which was not Marxist), and still even larger numbers embraced various forms of sacrificial compassion. Americans have not been, by and large, extremists on these issues. So, in recent months, as they have perceived that the federal government was moving in the direction of greater forced redistribution, their instinct to compassion, which is still very much there, has raised a red flag out of fear that "compassion" can sometimes be used by politicians as a stalking horse for other political ideals.

Americans are a fair people. This has led significant numbers in the distant past to embrace unionism. But, being fair, they also began to recognize when unions themselves began to use strong-arm tactics and to ask for special benefits and exemptions. In the recent debates over health care, the Democrats in Congress indicated a willingness to exempt unions from some of the restrictions on health care that everyone else would bear--everyone else except Congress (and the unions). Somehow, THAT does not seem fair! If politicians cross that fairness line, they are in deep trouble in America.

Americans are a sober people when it comes to economics. Not everyone, of course, but most Americans know what it is like to keep a family budget. It was a great American who said, "A penny saved is a penny earned." They understand pinching pennies so that you can later be able to splurge on a family vacation or buy a nicer car. But they know that you have to pinch pennies to get there. The last year has been nothing but one huge spending spree by the federal government, with cap and trade, health care reform, and green concerns running rampant over everything. We are spending like the drunk at the bar who pulls out his American Express Card and says, "Give everyone whatever they want." Some time later, when the hangover wears off, somebody has to reconcile the bill, and normal people can't rob a bank, print money on their computer, or just blow it off. At some point, somebody was going to walk to the bartender and say, "That's enough." This time, it was the voters in Mass who did that.

Do you know who won this election? The American people. I don't care if it was a Republican or a Democrat, quite frankly. In the last administration, drunken spending was too often the case. Why can't we return to the promises and the platform of 1994? When the government shrinks and spends less and is more concerned about balancing budgets than breaking them, we all win. I have six grandchildren. The burden that is going to be placed on them is already immense. Maybe, just maybe, because of what happened in, of all places, Massachusetts, that burden will be barely bearable.

Chad Owen Brand


  1. I've been enjoying following this race, too, and my only hope is that it actually does signal what it appears to signal. Scott Brown said it best when he reminded the moderator of a debate that the seat he was running for wasn't Teddy Kennedy's or the Democrat's, it was the people's seat. So, here's hoping Congress listens to the people and figures out a way to sink this bill... even if it means some Democrats might have to face being re-elected in November. ; P

    On a side note, did you know that a local believer affiliated w/ Southern is going to be running for Jefferson County's House seat? Name's Larry Hausman - http://www.hausman2010.com/ - and I'd be eager to see him knock out Yarmuth.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with these comments. I don't think Brown is very much a social conservative, but he is an overall basic "conservative" by Massachusetts standards, though "moderate" in many ways by a broader standard. Illinois is my home state (though I am remiss to admit it lately), and I have followed Illinois state and national politics for almost 30 years. There is another moderate Republican there named Mark Kirk, currently a U.S. Congressman and serving U.S. Naval Reservist. He is running for Barack's Senate seat in 2010, currently occupied by the spurious Roland Burris, ex-Comptroller of the State. Kirk will likely win, if Brown's election is the bellwether it appears to be, which will put another possibly wishy-washy Republican in the Senate. Until this week, I wasn't sure that a genuine conservative could win Illinois this year, and that Kirk would probably the best to settle with. Maybe that's true, but maybe not.

    William F. Buckley said famously, "Elect the most conservative [person] you can," and maybe Brown and Kirk are such types. But holding Dr. Brand's shrewd observations to be true about the type of people Americans are, I hope that "the People" wake up and find that eventually, genuine conservative candidates are not only the best people to entrust with our Nation's business, but that they are eminently electable if only supported at the polls.

    "Best" is preferrable to "good" or "better", and I always am intrigued by the habitual spoilers we Americans tolerate in lieu of far better candidates---as if such needless compromises were somehow virtuous. I think we are too wary of perceived zealots or purists when it comes to most issues political or spiritual, and somehow esteem a more laid-back posture in these matters. (That is probably a slightly twisted perception of liberty, inherent in our national bloodstream, in allowing others great latitude in their opinions, while failing to realize that such opinions can oft times be swayed by facts passionately presented.)

    The problem is that where some things are concerned---such as eternal, Biblical truths or even temporal issues of national import---a zeal for what is right is imperative. A true zeal. A passionate fire in the bones. A demand for a specific purity such as one would demand pure water for their children as opposed to polluted. At least on the most crucial issues. Even if one wasn't sure what was really right or true, the zeal for merely seeking what is right is preferable to the vapid indolence or negligence that seems more often to be predominant in the spiritual or political lives of many fellow Americans.

    It may be simply that we should be more thankful for Barack Obama and his oligarchy of radical left-wingers. Not thankful for what their agenda holds for our land should they ever succeed (which would involve their father, the Devil, getting permission from our Father in Heaven to wreak such havoc and destruction upon us as they design.) Had they not been true to form (so far), "We the People" may not have ever been pushed and shaken to the level of awareness and potential action that has come upon us this past year. Of course, aside from personally praying for the man Obama and his condition of heart, my prayer has been that God's will be done in the hearts and lives of men and nations. It may be that His mercy is much more at work than His judgment in allowing Obama to be set up as our head of state, for how can one appreciate light and liberty unless one is made aware of the darkness and chains? Obama and his cronies have been the ipecac syrup this country needed after years of swallowing the rancid lies of the left. Perhaps some healing and mending of ways is not far off for America, the Lord Jesus be merciful.

    Matt Underwood, "Old Guy" at Boyce College,
    National Editor, "Voice of the Angels" Newspaper,
    11th Airborne Division Association
